Yoon & Yang Pro Bono Foundationexpands pro bono activities by providing free legal consultation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services for the socially and economically vulnerable people.
When an application for legal consultation is submitted, a preliminary review is conducted and a decision is made on whether to proceed with the legal consultation and ADR services based on the case’s contribution to public interest and its suitability to be handled by the Foundation.In principle, legal consultation and ADR services are provided face-to-face, but in exceptional cases, telephone, email, video conference and other similar methodsare also available.
When a case that needs to be resolved through a litigationis chosen for a public interest litigation bya resolution of the Board of Directors, the Foundation also provides litigation services free of charge (however, in principle, the Foundation does not bear the actual expenses, such as stamp fees and service fees paid to the court).
* Please download the forms for legal consultation application and the consent to processing of personal information (click) from the website of Yoon & Yang Pro Bono Foundation, fill out the form with your personal information and the specific details of the case, and send the formswith the following documents to the Foundation via email address or by mail.
Documents to verify whether the
requirements are satisfied (Required)
Documents for verification of facts