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Yoon & Yang Pro Bono Foundation


Thank you for visiting Yoon & Yang Pro Bono Foundation

Yoon & Yang Foundation is a public interest foundation which took its first step in 2014 with the intention of "creating a peaceful world with warm neighbors." The philosophy of "sharing and love" is also the basic philosophy of Yoon & Yang, which aims to fulfill its social responsibility as a legal professional, namely to look after marginalized neighbors and the socially disadvantaged, by upholding human rights and servingsocial justice.

The Foundation has expanded its area of activities by reaching out to vulnerable groups in our society, including the homeless, migrants and refugees, laborers, youth, overseas adoptees, children, and the disabled, who are in need of legal assistance. In 2016, we opened the Public Interest Legal Consultation and Dispute Mediation Centre to lower the threshold of legal services for the socially and economically disadvantaged and provide a round-the-clock support system.

Since 2015, we have held annual seminars covering socially controversial topics to minimize conflicts and present alternatives that contribute to the public interest. We have also supported research on various public interest and human rights issues, provided legal and human rights education for youth, established a network of public interest lawyers, and engaged in social contribution activities with Yoon & Yang's volunteer club 'People Who Share'.

The 'Snail Music Festival', which helps homeless musicians to support themselves and communicate with the world, and the 'Classroom Law Competition', where youths create and present their own bills, have now become representative events of the Yoon & Yang Foundation. This path of sharing and action has been made possible by your support. We hope that the activities of the Yoon & Yang Foundation can add warmth to our community. We will continue to do our best to create a A world full of happiness and warmth for everyone'.

Thank you

재단법인 화우공익재단 이사장 이인복

Vision & Mission


We build a warm society where everyone's
human rights are respected.

  • Vision
    We provide legal support and sponsorship for the
    socially disadvantaged and minorities.
  • Vision
    We identify and spread social agendas.
  • Vision
    We provide legal rights education to foster
    human rights awareness
  • Vision
    We stand in solidarity with civil society and
    contribut to the vitalisation of local communities

Together with

  • 함께하는빛
  • 나눔과 나눔
  • 난민인권센터
  • 서울특별시립청소년이동쉼터
  • 따뜻한한반도사랑의연탄나눔
  • 윤산평화법제포럼
  • 장애인차별금지추진연대
  • 한국여성의전화
  • 홈리스행동
  • 달팽이소원
  • 서울환경연합
  • 서울이주여성상담센터
  • 한국장애인개발원
  • 국경없는의사회
  • 빈곤사회연대
  • 성남시외국인주민복지지원센터
  • 고려인 너머
  • 뿌리의 집
  • 감사와 동행
  • 서울시학교밖청소년지원센터
  • 지구와 사람
  • 아동권리보장원
  • 빅이슈코리아
  • 더스페이스프랜즈
  • 서울노숙인시설협회
  • 대한사회복지회
  • 경기북부아동보호전문기관