Building a Society Where
Everyone’s Rights Are
Yoon & Yang Pro Bono Foundation works for the vulnerable and underprivileged members of our society.
Donations are used for various public interest activities and operation of the Foundation, including legal activities for public interest purposes and other legal supports related to the homeless, imm
Bank Account for Donation
Shinhan Bank 140-010-757181
(Yoon & Yang Pro Bono Foundation)
Secretariat of Yoon & Yang Pro Bono Foundation
Telephone: 02-6182-8011
Legal activities for public interest purposes
The Foundation provides legal consultation and advisory services for underprivileged people who are in need of legal assistance and represents them in various public interest lawsuits.
Protection of rights
The Foundations handles a wide range of rights issues such as the homeless, immigrants, refugees, people with disabilities, and gender, etc. and works to improve laws and systems to ensure thathuman rights are protected.
Research support
The Foundation supports various studies and holds seminars every year to systematically examine major public interest and human rights issues and identify solutions to problems.
Community services
The Foundationand employees of Yoon & Yang LLChelpneighbors by participating in various volunteer activities, e.g., donating bread and briquettes, and planting trees, etc.
The Foundation provideslegal and human rights education to teenage studentsto raise awareness of human rights and justice, the rule of law, and grassroots democracy.
Support for cultural experiences
The Foundation supports the homeless and children of multi-cultural families to build confidence and raise quality of living through first-hand experiences ofvarious new cultural activities.
Other activities for operation, etc. of the Foundation